Teaching Vlogging in Iran

Here is a look at us shooting video explaining how to start a videoblog in Farsi. We used freevlog.org and node101.org (and many other resources--thanks so much to all of you wonderful people out there), and came up with a new community vlog to get people started: http://vloginiran.blogspot.com
This videoblog is going to be a place for people to begin uploading their videos as they learn about videoblogging, and it can act as a collective videoblog for a number of people to post video to.
We talked about many things besides videoblogging as well... For example, we talked about Wikipedia, Web Syndication, Creative Commons, and how to learn about other vloggers and the vlogging community, through sites such as
Aha! Now! Should I start!?
>You remember now [what you wanted to say]?
Yes, Yes!
[singing random Persian song]
>>Is the camera zoomed
>Are, zoomeh [this means, yes, it is zoomed, which also translates into Farsi as It is my wish which is coincidentally very funny because of the way that he sings the word, rather than simply saying it]
Ok, so first I would like to talk a bit about the history of videoblogging and what things people video blog about.
You know it is really important that people video blog about things they are truly passionate about, and something that you really really likebecause if you are not excited, then others will certainly get bored!
[showing freevlog.org]
You can go to Blogger, a free blogging site,however you have to host the video on another site, and link between the two sites, for example between Blogger and Blipthey did something so that the two sites work together, so you can cross post video, and they link together like thiswhich is really great, and makes your life easier.
--------------End Translation
More people in Iran will be able to learn about videoblogging on local television, or in a public setting (hence the islamic garb), since high speed internet is so expensive here (three to five hundred dollars a month, depending on the speed)...